Layla’s Mixed Sorts

November 4, 2008

My First Attempt at Blogging

Filed under: Introduction — laylanajia @ 9:01 pm

bb    So. Im officially here. In the blogosphere. Finally.

I struggled with what would be my first official post. It should be prolific since it took me this long, right? And since the blogosphere have become so impressive, so grand in nature and broad in scope, even an income to many.  So, I struggled, but decided the first post should be just a short overview of myself and what I think my blogs will be mostly about. 

I have always wanted to start a blog, Im used to writing my thoughts and accomplishments down ever since I was a Kid, but lately haven’t had the piece of mind to do it. But now is the best time to start blogging and to get hooked. I just returned from Canada back to my home country, Jordan, where I grew up. I went to Canada to study and get my Masters degree in Business & Technology which costed me 13 months of mere torture: I shouldve taken it in 2 years rather than one. But now im back, relaxing but battling with a powerful internal struggle trying to explore my options for the next chapter of my life.

Some of my posts will be business related: some interesting business news and about CEOs and entrepreneurs I admire. Some posts will be about myself: my culture, education, career, ambitions, horrific moments, special moments.  Some about amusing and humorous things i come across. Others about music, pets, food, chocolate, nature, nutrition, people, love, friendships, travel, weather, and probably much much more! Can’t wait to get started! 

1 Comment »

  1. Welcome and Good Luck!

    Comment by Tim Rueb — November 5, 2008 @ 3:51 pm | Reply

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